Why you should try an Ayurvedic cleanse
Your body is talking to you, are you listening?
Our body and nervous system is constantly communicating with us. A cleanse is an opportunity to listen deeply to those messages. Cleanses come in many forms. It is crucial to cleanse with intention, compassion, and a healthy dose of preparation.
Cleansing can help you hit the “reset button” on your habits. It’s not just about losing weight, or cleaning up after a bender, it’s also about connecting more deeply to your innate ability to heal, renew, and replenish.
Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga considers cleansing as the building block of a healthy routine.
Here are some common signs that you might need a cleanse:
Gas and bloating
Acid indigestion
Sluggish appetite
Bad taste in the mouth
Unsatisfying bowel movements
Brain-fog, especially after meals
Lack of motivation
“Ayurveda is the ancient Indian art and science of longevity. In this time-honored system, food and daily rhythms are the medicine for a life-long health regimen to support both body and mind.”
Remember: Timing is everything.
An Ayurvedic Home Cleanse is right for you if:
You feel your digestion isn’t working so well…this could look like bloating, acid stomach, sluggish appetite, or unsatisfying bowel movements.
You feel your mind isn’t working so well…this could look like sleep troubles, lack of motivation, brain fog, or difficulty concentrating.
You are looking to replace some unhelpful habits with healthy ones.
You want to do a moderate program where you eat meals, confident it’s the right food for you.
“My first cleanse with Kate was totally transformative. I had suffered poor digestion for years, and found conventional nutrition advice conflicting.
The Ayurveda cleanse eased up my digestion, taught me to nourish myself during & after the cleanse, and gave me the tools to integrate these lifestyle changes in a personalized and totally doable way.”
Start Your At Home Cleanse
So what is an Ayurvedic home cleanse?
A home cleanse is first and foremost a chance to forge some new habits, and that’s a reset that can be called for at any time of year. Life gets away from us sometimes, and as things gets busier self-care often takes a back seat. Ayurveda, a sister-science to Yoga (alternately, India’s longevity science, depending on the audience) specializes in healthy routines and diet for bringing the mind/body back into balance, as well as preventing future imbalances.
I’ve condensed over a decade of experience helping my clients cleanse into one, simple plan.
In our approach to home cleanses you will find a daily routines table and how-to instructions, recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 4 days, cleanse shopping list, and a questionnaire to help you identify the right recipes and routines for you to follow during your program.
There’s no shortage of cleanses on the market. Here’s what to look for in yours:
a sustainable daily routine that will continue to serve you after the cleanse is over
satisfying meals that are simple to prepare and balancing for your body type
guidance to help you personalize the program to meet your needs
A period of cleansing should be tailored according to the need for purification as well as rejuvenation, and to the duties and daily schedule you are keeping up with throughout your cleanse. The Anytime Home Cleanse will teach you how to do just that!